Annals of internal medicine

HIV cure: the target is clearer but not yet close.

Annals of internal medicine

Volberding P

Bringing the end in sight: consensus regarding HIV screening strategies.

Annals of internal medicine

Das M, Volberding P

The top patient safety strategies that can be encouraged for adoption now.

Annals of internal medicine

Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM, McDonald KM, Schoelles K, Dy SM, Shojania K, Reston JT, Adams AS, Angood PB, Bates DW, Bickman L, Carayon P, Donaldson L, Duan N, Farley DO, Greenhalgh T, Haughom JL, Lake E, Lilford R, Lohr KN, Meyer GS, Miller MR, Neuhauser DV, Ryan G, Saint S, Shortell SM, Stevens DP, Walshe K

Strategies to improve patient safety: the evidence base matures.

Annals of internal medicine

Wachter RM, Pronovost P, Shekelle P

Hospital-initiated transitional care interventions as a patient safety strategy: a systematic review.

Annals of internal medicine

Rennke S, Nguyen OK, Shoeb MH, Magan Y, Wachter RM, Ranji SR

"July effect": impact of the academic year-end changeover on patient outcomes: a systematic review.

Annals of internal medicine

Young JQ, Ranji SR, Wachter RM, Lee CM, Niehaus B, Auerbach AD

Advancing the science of patient safety.

Annals of internal medicine

Shekelle PG, Pronovost PJ, Wachter RM, Taylor SL, Dy SM, Foy R, Hempel S, McDonald KM, Ovretveit J, Rubenstein LV, Adams AS, Angood PB, Bates DW, Bickman L, Carayon P, Donaldson L, Duan N, Farley DO, Greenhalgh T, Haughom J, Lake ET, Lilford R, Lohr KN, Meyer GS, Miller MR, Neuhauser DV, Ryan G, Saint S, Shojania KG, Shortell SM, Stevens DP, Walshe K

HIV and premature aging: A field still in its infancy.

Annals of internal medicine

Martin J, Volberding P
